5 ways to take your pork to the next level

Do you want to make delicious pork every time? We know that it can be a fine line between tender and juicy pork or a dry, tasteless piece of protein. But don’t worry. It’s easy to make sure you’re on the right side of that line with just a few tweaks...

NCPC statement regarding Prop 12

The following is a statement from the North Carolina Pork Council. It can be attributed to Roy Lee Lindsey, CEO, NC Pork Council: We are disappointed in the decision made by the US Supreme Court. Hog farmers in North Carolina do not understand how the State of...

Joey Short, Emerging Leader

Joey Short has the tenth best beard in the pork industry, at least according to Farm Journal Magazine. But it’s not that quirky accolade that defines him. Rather, it’s his rapid ascension within the North Carolina pork industry that has earned Short the 2023 North...