In Durham, some fantastic lies

I woke up this morning to hear about something that amounts to… hogwash. As in, nonsense. Indeed, what was said at a forum in Durham last night about the pork industry can only be described as some fantastic lies. As a former journalist, it is especially disturbing...

Championship barbecue. Championship cause.

In just a few days, 30 barbecue teams will descend on downtown Raleigh and contend to be the 2017 N.C. Whole Hog Barbecue Champion. Competition will be fierce. Each team earned a spot at the state championship by winning or placing in a Whole Hog Barbecue Series...

Are you #NCPorkProud? Prove it and win!

Are you #NCPorkProud? If so, you could win a prize pack to the N.C. State Fair. It’s pretty easy to enter, too. Head on over to our Facebook page. (Don’t forget, if you don’t already like us, click the “Like” button.) Scroll down to the...

Lost trade would be a jolt to U.S. pork industry

Imagine driving your car down the highway. Then, a wheel falls off. You’d have just lost 25 percent of what moves you forward – though you surely wouldn’t think of it quite like that in the moment. You would know that’s a real jolt. Which is why those of us in the...