2024 Annual Conference

Feb. 26 & 27
Raleigh Hilton North Hills

3415 Wake Forest Rd, Raleigh, NC 27609

2025 Conference logo

Wednesday, Feb. 26

11:30 am | Allied Partners Update

Roy Lee Lindsey, NC Pork Council CEO 

This program is open to all those who provide support services and goods to our industry. We’ll provide you an update on what’s happening within the industry in North Carolina, where are we focusing our efforts in the future, and what we think the next challenges to the industry may be. 

12:30 pm | Lunch

Join us for a free lunch!

1:30 - 3 pm | Certified Swine Sample Collector Training and ASF Update*
1.5 OIC Credit Available
– Dr. Catherine Harris, NCDA&CS

During a foreign animal disease (FAD) outbreak, biosecurity will be enhanced, and the quantity and frequency of diagnostic and surveillance samples collected will increase. Federal and state resources will be in extremely high demand. Likewise, it will be difficult for veterinarians to perform the necessary surveillance or regulatory tasks during an FAD response while also maintaining ongoing herd health and animal welfare programs. The CSSC training program assures animal health officials that producers and caretakers have been trained to correctly collect, handle, and submit samples by category II accredited veterinarians working in the pork industry. Training candidates prior to an outbreak and maintaining their sample collection proficiency on a continual basis will ensure they are prepared to respond as an outbreak unfolds.

This is ONLY the in classroom training aspect of the course. There will not be any animal handling.


3:00 pm | BREAK
3:15 pm | Swine Snippets Research Updates*

Short research updates – *1.5 OIC credits available

Supervisory training needs of Spanish-speaking foreign workers in NC pig barns and pork processing plants, Dr. Eduardo Beltranena, NC State University

Advancing Swine Health and Biosecurity through Targeted Research ProgramsDr. Lisa Becton, Swine Health Information Center

Nutritional value of recycled nutrients from lagoon sludge in swine diets, Dr. Eric van Heugten, NC State University

Building Smarter Barns: using technologies for pig environments and welfareDr. Suzanne Leonard, NC State University

Barn ConnectivityBJ Brugman, Distynct

The value of proper feeder adjustment in grow-finishDr. Christina Phillips, Smithfield Foods

4:45 pm-6 pm | PLC Reunion (Pork Leadership Carolina members only)

PLC Reunion Open Bar and social event 

5 pm | Welcome Social -

Join us in the lobby for a Welcome Social. Complimentary drinks and light appetizers will be available.

5:30 pm | Bacon Bash registration opens

Members only event.

6 pm | Bacon Bash

Members Only Event

Thursday, Feb. 27

7:15 am | Breakfast Buffet opens - Sponsored by Smithfield

Come hungry for this full breakfast buffet featuring bacon provided by Villari Food. Free.

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7:45 | Annual Meeting

In accordance with provisions stated in Article VIII of the North Carolina Pork Council Bylaws, notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the members of the Council will be held on Thursday, February 29 at 7:45 am at the Hilton Raleigh North Hills, Raleigh, NC. The purpose of the meeting is to present financials and announce elected 2024 Board of Directors.

8 am | State and National Updates

NC Pork 2023 in Review — Roy Lee Lindsey, CEO
National Pork Board – Bill Even, CEO
National Pork Producers Council – Bryan Humphreys, CEO

10 am | Networking Break - Sponsored by Minitube USA

10:15 am | Building on a Legacy of Responsibility: Advancing Ethical Pork Production Through One Health*

Dr. Heather Fowler, National Pork Board

*1.5 OIC credits available

The six We Care® Ethical Principles, represent the industry’s foundation for ethical and responsible pork production. These principles, which include food safety, animal well-being, our people, public health, environment, and community, guide the industry toward holistic, One Health practices, ensuring safe, nutritious and sustainable pork for consumers. For the past decade, the National Pork Board, collaborating with academic institutions and scientific organizations has funded research to explore the public health impacts of live production. This research aims to continuously improve practices and ensure the sustainability of the industry. Join me as I discuss the past, present and future of the swine industry using a One Health lens.

11:30 am | Awards Luncheon - Sponsored by Farm Credit Associations of North Carolina

Honorees this year are:

Hall of Fame: Dexter Edwards
Outstanding Pork Producer: Everett Johnson
Excellence in Innovation Award: Tammy Peterson
WW Shay Award for Industry Distinction: Dr. Randy Jones, DVM
Emerging Leader: Benjamin Davis

Cost is $25

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1:30 | Networking Break

2 pm | Break out session (Choose 1)*

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Pigs and Cattle
Dr. Bailey Arruda, USDA  *1.5 OIC Credits Availabe

The outcomes of multiple HPAIV inoculation trials in pigs and cattle will be presented in relation to on-farm implications and vaccine evaluation. 

Student Presentations *1.5 OIC Credits Available

Students from NC State and NC A&T University will give presentations on recent research being done.

3:15 pm | Adjourn


Register now

Hotel Information 

Hilton Raleigh North Hills
3415 Wake Forest Rd
Raleigh NC

Advance room rate: $169 | Book Now

Or call 1-800-HILTONS. Use code NCPORK. 

Book by February 11, 2025 to receive the group rate.

Thank you to our sponsors!

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Committed to People, Pigs, & the Planet